Podcast- Colors
After listening to the following podcast “Colors,” I found
it very interesting as it opened up many ideas and questions I had never even
thought about that had to deal with color. I think its so interesting that
everything we see is color and we associate objects with color. For example,
when talking about the sky we always assume it is blue and when talking about
grass we always assume it is green.
What gets me though is that not everyone
see’s the same colors as most people. Instead there are some people who have
color blindness, which makes people see different colors then what the actual
color of the object is. Too me it has always fascinated me because I never
thought to think that not everyone sees’ the grass green or the sky blue.
Another thing that really gets me and had me thinking about the fascination of
how people perceive certain objects and there colors is that some people have
the ability to see a person and associate them with a color or numbers and
letters. Colors to me is so fascinating and one subject that always has me
questioning why certain colors are certain colors and who came up with the
names and associations with them.
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